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<?xml version="1.0"?> <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xlink="" version="3.7" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <titleInfo> <title>City Limits, San Joaquin County, California, 2020</title> </titleInfo> <name type="corporate"> <namePart>San Joaquin County (Calif.).Community Development Department</namePart> <role> <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">creator</roleTerm> </role> </name> <genre valueURI="" authority="lcgft">Geospatial data</genre> <genre valueURI="" authority="rdacontent">cartographic dataset</genre> <typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> <typeOfResource>software, multimedia</typeOfResource> <physicalDescription> <form>Shapefile</form> <extent>0.252</extent> <digitalOrigin>born digital</digitalOrigin> </physicalDescription> <language> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </language> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Abstract">This polygon shapefile represents the boundaries of cities within San Joaquin County, California. Year: 2020. State Responsibility Areas (SRA) are areas of legal responsibility for fire protection, including State Responsibility Areas (SRA), Federal Responsibility Areas (FRA), and Local Responsibility Areas (LRA). SRA designations undergo a thorough 5 year review cycle, as well as annual updates for incorporations/annexations, error fixes, and ownership changes (automatic changes that do not require Board of Forestry approval).</abstract> <note lang="eng" displayLabel="Preferred citation">San Joaquin County (Calif.). Community Development Department. (2020). City Limits, San Joaquin County, California, 2020. San Joaquin County (Calif.). Community Development Department. Available at:</note> <note displayLabel="Use limitation">These data are made available as a public service. The data is for reference purposes only, and the originator(s) make no representatives, warranties, or guarantees as to the accuracy of the data. Information found here should not be used for making financial or any other commitments. In no way shall the originator(s) become liable to users of these data, or any other party, for any loss or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to time, money or goodwill, arising from the use or modification of the data. This data is in the public domain.</note> <note displayLabel="WGS84 Cartographics">This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.</note> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Cities and towns</topic> </subject> <subject authority="geonames" lang="eng"> <geographic authority="geonames" authorityURI="" valueURI="">San Joaquin County (Calif.)</geographic> </subject> <subject> <temporal encoding="w3cdtf">2020</temporal> </subject> <subject authority="ISO19115TopicCategory"> <topic authority="ISO19115TopicCategory" authorityURI="" valueURI="boundaries">Boundaries</topic> </subject> <subject> <cartographics> <scale>Scale not given.</scale> <projection>Custom projection</projection> <coordinates>W 121°33ʹ16ʺ--W 120°58ʹ39ʺ/N 38°9ʹ24ʺ--N 37°39ʹ40ʺ</coordinates> <coordinates>W 121°32ʹ56ʺ--W 120°58ʹ41ʺ/N 38°9ʹ18ʺ--N 37°39ʹ43ʺ</coordinates> </cartographics> </subject> <subject displayLabel="WGS84" authority="EPSG" valueURI=""> <cartographics> <projection>EPSG::4326</projection> </cartographics> </subject> <originInfo> <dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">2020</dateIssued> <place> <placeTerm type="text">US</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>San Joaquin County (Calif.).Community Development Department</publisher> </originInfo> <location> <url usage="primary display"></url> </location> <recordInfo> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </languageOfCataloging> <recordContentSource>Stanford</recordContentSource> <recordOrigin>This record was translated from ISO 19139 to MODS v.3 using an xsl transformation.</recordOrigin> <recordIdentifier>edu.stanford.purl:zc699yr2117</recordIdentifier> </recordInfo> <extension displayLabel="geo"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:gml="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dc:format>application/x-esri-shapefile; format=Shapefile</dc:format> <dc:type>Dataset#Polygon</dc:type> <gml:boundedBy> <gml:Envelope gml:srsName="EPSG:4326"> <gml:lowerCorner>-121.548753 37.661808</gml:lowerCorner> <gml:upperCorner>-120.97817 38.155033</gml:upperCorner> </gml:Envelope> </gml:boundedBy> <dc:coverage rdf:resource="" dc:language="eng" dc:title="San Joaquin County (Calif.)"/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </extension> <relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>San Joaquin County, California GIS Maps & Data</title> </titleInfo> <location> <url></url> </location> <typeOfResource collection="yes"/> </relatedItem> <accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">Please acknowledge the data producer as the source when data are used in the preparation of reports, papers, publications, maps, or other products. These data are made available as a public resource of general information for use "as is" with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete and any conclusions drawn from such information are the sole responsibility of the user. The data provider assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, and explicitly disclaims any representations and warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.</accessCondition> </mods>
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