Hydrographic Polygons: Russian River Basin, California, 1998-2002
Attribute | Value |
Click on map to inspect values |
- Description:
This polygon shapefile represents flowing waters (rivers and streams), standing waters (lakes and ponds), and wetlands -- both natural and manmade. Polygon features have attribute codes that identify water bodies such as lakes, wide river segments, or swamps. Line features have attribute codes that represent streams or shorelines. This dataset is intended mapping the flowing waters of the Russian River basin as well as an aid to watershed analysis and planning. Circuit Rider Productions and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2002). Hydrographic Polygons: Russian River Basin, California, 1998-2002. Circuit Rider Productions. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/ym034ms1211 MINOR1 - Major Minor // Code # Code # Element Description
50 100 Alkali flat
50 101 Reservoir
50 102 Covered reservoir
50 103 Glacier or permanent snowfield
50 104 Salt evaporator
50 105 Inundation area
50 106 Fish hatchery or farm
50 107 Industrial water impoundment
50 108 Area to be submerged
50 109 Sewage disposal pond/filtration bed
50 110 Tailings pond
50 111 Marsh, wetland, swamp, bog
50 112 Mangrove area
50 113 Rice Field
50 114 Cranberry bog
50 115 Flats(tidal, mud, sand, gravel)
50 116 Bays, estuaries, gulfs, oceans, seas
50 117 Shoal
50 118 Soda evaporator
50 119 Duck pond
50 400 Rapids
50 401 Falls
50 402 Gravel pit/quarry filled w/water
50 403 Gauging station
50 404 Pumping station
50 405 Water intake
50 406 Dam or weir
50 407 Canal lock or sluice gate
50 408 Spillway
50 409 Gate(flood, tidal, head, check)
50 410 Rock
50 411 Crevasse
50 412 Stream
50 413 Braided stream
50 414 Ditch or canal
50 415 Aqueduct
50 416 Flume
50 417 Penstock
50 418 Siphon
50 419 Channel in water area
50 420 Wash or ephemeral drain
50 421 Lake or pond
50 422 Coral reef
50 423 Sand in open water
50 424 Spoil area
50 425 Fish ladders
50 601 Underground
50 602 Overpassing
50 603 Elevated
50 604 Tunnel
50 605 Right bank
50 606 Left bank
50 607 Under construction
50 608 Salt
50 609 Unsurveyed
50 610 Intermittent
50 611 Abandoned or discontinued
50 612 Submerged or sunken
50 613 Wooded
50 614 Dry
50 615 Mineral or hot (sulphur, alkali,etc.)
50 616 Navigable transportation
50 617 Underpassing
50 618 Earthen construction
1 AREA 4 12 F 3
5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3
9 WRCBLAKES# 4 5 B -
17 F_G_CD 1 1 C - Need code
18 OWNER 34 34 C - Owner
52 OWNRTYPE 3 3 C - Owner Type
(Code): BPP, PRV, PUB
55 REC_NUM 40 40 C -
95 MAX_AREA 16 16 I - Maximum Area (Units??)
111 MXAREF 7 7 C - Code??
118 SUM_SURF 16 16 I - Summer Surface area??
134 S_S_REF 7 7 C -
141 MAXDEPTH 16 16 I - Maximum Depth (Units?)
157 M_D_REF 7 7 C -
164 AB_G_F1 20 20 C - something about fish species
184 AB_G_F2 20 20 C - ""
204 AB_G_F3 20 20 C - ""
224 OTH_NAM 25 25 C - Other Lake Name
249 DEP_FL 16 16 I -
265 DP_F_REF 7 7 C -
272 MIN_SURF 16 16 I - Minimum surface area??
288 M_S_REF 7 7 C -
295 PRI_PROD 16 16 I - Primary Productivity
311 L_Q_REF 7 7 C - empty
318 DAM 16 16 I - Dam?? (numeric)
334 D_NAME 25 25 C - Dam name
359 LATITUDE 9 9 C - Latitude
368 LATD 2 2 I - Latitude, Degrees
370 LATM 2 2 I - Latitude, Minutes
372 LATS 4 4 N 1 Latitude, Seconds
376 LONGITUD 10 10 C - Longitude
386 LOND 3 3 I - Longitude, Degrees
389 LONM 2 2 I - Longitude, Minutes
391 LONS 4 4 N 1 Longitude, Seconds
395 TOWNSHIP 13 13 C - Township
408 OPERATOR 25 25 C - Operator of Dam?
433 INFLOW1 15 15 C - Inflow Stream 1
448 INFLOW2 15 15 C Inflow Stream 2
463 INFLOW3 15 15 C - Inflow Stream 3
478 MAX_VOL 16 16 I - Maximum Volume (units)
494 M_V_REF 7 7 C -
501 MIN_VOL 16 16 I - Minimum Volume (units)
517 AV_DPTH 16 16 I - Average Depth (units)
533 A_D_REF 7 7 C -
540 N_G_FSH1 20 20 C - something with fish species
560 N_G_FSH2 20 20 C - ""
580 N_G_FSH3 20 20 C - ""
600 FISH_YLD 16 16 I - Fish Yield ? (units)
616 F_Y_REF 7 7 C -
623 FSH_CROP 16 16 I - Fish Crop?/
639 F_C_REF 7 7 C -
646 EUPHOT 4 4 C -
650 E_Z_REF 7 7 C -
657 THERMO 16 16 I -
673 COUNTY 40 40 C - County
*713 QUAD 12 12 C - Quadcodes?
725 OUTFLOW 15 15 C - Outflow Stream
740 DRN_AREA 16 16 I -
756 D_A_REF 7 7 C -
763 ELEVAT 16 16 I - Elevation of lake in feet
779 ELE_REF 7 7 C -
786 T_S_REF 7 7 C -
793 DOM_FSH1 20 20 C - Dominant Fish 1?
813 DOM_FSH2 20 20 C - Dominant Fish 2?
833 DOM_FSH3 20 20 C - Dominant Fish 3?
853 D_F_REF 7 7 C -
860 NUISANCE 24 24 C - Nuisance - Codes?
884 N_REF 7 7 C -
891 IMP_WTR 16 16 I -
907 I_W_REF 7 7 C - Empty
914 LKNAM_FM 25 25 C - Lake name
939 LAK_NM_F 16 16 I - Lake name code??
955 ACC_FMT 9 9 C - Open/closed/fee/desig
964 LAK_FMT 11 11 C - Lake/reservoir/etc/
975 ACCR_FM 8 8 C - time periods
983 CAL_FM 10 10 C - Empty
993 TRO_FM 12 12 C - trophic level???
1005 FISH_FM 13 13 C - Fish productivity??
1018 FSHRY_FM 7 7 C - Fishery temperature related?
1025 F_PLT_FM 8 8 C - Fish planting
1033 SIGN_FM 3 3 C - No/yes?? Sign for lake name
1036 STRAT_FM 3 3 C - No/yes??
1039 OFLO_FM 3 3 C - No/yes??
1042 N_PK_FM 19 19 C - National Park
1061 N_F_FM 14 14 C - National Forest
1075 W_P_FM 19 19 C - Wilderness area??
1094 DWR_FM 16 16 C - District??
1110 LAK_Q_FM 4 4 C - Lake quality
1114 LAKES 1 1 I - Matched to lakes.pat
1115 WRCBLAKES 4 5 B - Primary keySTATECODE -
1 - completely within CA
2 - partially with CA
3 - completely outside CA This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection. - Resource Link:
- https://purl.stanford.edu/ym034ms1211
- Identifier:
- https://purl.stanford.edu/ym034ms1211
- Language:
- English
- Creator:
- Circuit Rider Productions
- Publisher:
- Circuit Rider Productions
- Provider:
- Stanford
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Subject:
- Hydrology, Watersheds, Bodies of water, Rivers, Environment, and Inland Waters
- Temporal Coverage:
- 1998 and 2002
- Date Issued:
- 2002
- Spatial Coverage:
- Sonoma County (Calif.), Mendocino County (Calif.), and Russian River Watershed (Calif.)
- Access Rights:
- Restricted
- Format:
- Shapefile