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<?xml version="1.0"?> <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xlink="" version="3.7" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <titleInfo> <title>Important Farmland, San Joaquin County, California, 2010</title> </titleInfo> <name type="corporate"> <namePart>California. Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program</namePart> <role> <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">creator</roleTerm> </role> </name> <genre valueURI="" authority="lcgft">Geospatial data</genre> <genre valueURI="" authority="rdacontent">cartographic dataset</genre> <typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> <typeOfResource>software, multimedia</typeOfResource> <physicalDescription> <form>Shapefile</form> <extent>5.709</extent> <digitalOrigin>born digital</digitalOrigin> </physicalDescription> <language> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </language> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Abstract">This polygon shapefile contains areas of important farmland in San Joaquin County, California for 2010. Important Farmland Maps show the relationship between the quality of soils for agricultural production and the land's use for agricultural, urban, or other purposes. A biennial map update cycle and notation system employed by FMMP captures conversion to urban land while accommodating rotational cycles in agricultural use. The minimum land use mapping unit is 10 acres unless specified. Smaller units of land are incorporated into the surrounding map classifications. In order to most accurately represent the NRCS digital soil survey, soil units of one acre or larger are depicted in Important Farmland Maps. For environmental review purposes, the categories of Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, Farmland of Local Importance, and Grazing Land constitute 'agricultural land' (Public Resources Code Section 21060.1). The remaining categories are used for reporting changes in land use as required for FMMP's biennial farmland conversion report. This layer is part of the 2010 California Farmland Mapping and Montoring Project.</abstract> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Purpose">The Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) provides data to decision makers for use in planning for the present and future use of California's agricultural land resources. The data is a current inventory of agricultural resources. This data is for general planning purposes and has a minimum mapping unit of ten acres.</abstract> <note lang="eng" displayLabel="Conceptual consistency report">The Important Farmland survey area is based on Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) modern soil surveys covering most non-governmental lands in California; 49 counties are fully or partially surveyed at this time. Soil surveys specific to National Forests or other government land units are not surveyed. Beginning in 2000, SSURGO digital soil information was incorporated into the Alameda County Important Farmland data. Data subsequent to 2000 may have acreage and soil line differences due to incorporation of newer NRCS-SSURGO editions. Prior to the availability of SSURGO, soil information was hand-transferred from the paper soil surveys. Older versions of the data have not been modified. The land use minimum mapping unit of ten acres has not changed, but digital soil units of down to one acre occur in the SSURGO-enhanced Important Farmland data. Due to the interaction of land use and soil components of the data, incorporation of SSURGO may also result in units of less than ten acres for categories such as Other Land (or Nonagricultural and Natural Vegetation). For more information on SSURGO, contact the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service: <></note> <note lang="eng" displayLabel="Preferred citation">California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. (2010). Important Farmland, San Joaquin County, California, 2010. California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. Available at</note> <note displayLabel="WGS84 Cartographics">This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.</note> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Farming</topic> </subject> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Land use</topic> </subject> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Urbanization</topic> </subject> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Agriculture</topic> </subject> <subject authority="geonames" lang="eng"> <geographic authority="geonames" authorityURI="" valueURI="">San Joaquin County (Calif.)</geographic> </subject> <subject> <temporal encoding="w3cdtf">2010</temporal> </subject> <subject authority="ISO19115TopicCategory"> <topic authority="ISO19115TopicCategory" authorityURI="" valueURI="farming">Farming</topic> </subject> <subject> <cartographics> <scale>Scale not given.</scale> <projection>Custom projection</projection> <coordinates>W 121°35ʹ18ʺ--W 120°54ʹ46ʺ/N 38°18ʹ4ʺ--N 37°28ʹ50ʺ</coordinates> <coordinates>W 121°35ʹ2ʺ--W 120°54ʹ58ʺ/N 38°18ʹ1ʺ--N 37°28ʹ55ʺ</coordinates> </cartographics> </subject> <subject displayLabel="WGS84" authority="EPSG" valueURI=""> <cartographics> <projection>EPSG::4326</projection> </cartographics> </subject> <originInfo> <dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">2010</dateIssued> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Sacramento, California, US</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>California. Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program</publisher> </originInfo> <location> <url usage="primary display"></url> </location> <recordInfo> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </languageOfCataloging> <recordContentSource>Stanford</recordContentSource> <recordOrigin>This record was translated from ISO 19139 to MODS v.3 using an xsl transformation.</recordOrigin> <recordIdentifier>edu.stanford.purl:xc388gg1555</recordIdentifier> </recordInfo> <extension displayLabel="geo"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:gml="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dc:format>application/x-esri-shapefile; format=Shapefile</dc:format> <dc:type>Dataset#Polygon</dc:type> <gml:boundedBy> <gml:Envelope gml:srsName="EPSG:4326"> <gml:lowerCorner>-121.583802 37.48197</gml:lowerCorner> <gml:upperCorner>-120.91599 38.300206</gml:upperCorner> </gml:Envelope> </gml:boundedBy> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </extension> <relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, 2010</title> </titleInfo> <location> <url></url> </location> <typeOfResource collection="yes"/> </relatedItem> <accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">This item is in the public domain. There are no restrictions on use.</accessCondition> <accessCondition type="copyright">This work is in the Public Domain, meaning that it is not subject to copyright.</accessCondition> </mods>
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