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<?xml version="1.0"?> <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xlink="" version="3.7" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <titleInfo> <title>Landsat Image of Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz, California, 1985</title> </titleInfo> <name type="personal"> <namePart>Hatcher, Gerry</namePart> <role> <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">creator</roleTerm> </role> </name> <genre valueURI="" authority="lcgft">Geospatial data</genre> <genre valueURI="" authority="rdacontent">cartographic dataset</genre> <typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> <typeOfResource>software, multimedia</typeOfResource> <physicalDescription> <form>GeoTIFF</form> <digitalOrigin>born digital</digitalOrigin> </physicalDescription> <language> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </language> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Abstract">This layer is a GeoTIFF created from Landsat satellite data. The original satellite images were acquired during June, July, and August of 1985. The western border of the Monterey Bay quadrangle has been extended 12 minutes of longitude to include Santa Cruz, California. These data are available in WGS84 and UTM Zone 10 (NAD83) projections. This layer is part of the GIS Data of the Monterey Bay collection, a compilation of data and imagery of the Monterey Bay area, including coastline, imagery, and bathymetry.</abstract> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Purpose">This dataset is intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. This collection of data provides documented layers of of the Monterey Bay to persons/institutions of interest throughout the research and educational communities.</abstract> <note lang="eng" displayLabel="Preferred citation">Hatcher, G. (1998). Landsat Image of Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz, California, 1985. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Available at:</note> <note displayLabel="Supplemental information">All data are registered to the WGS84 datum with two versions of each feature, image, and grid coverage included in the collection. One is in a Geographic (decimal degrees) coordinate system and the second is in a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10 projection. For strict accuracy and hard-copy production requiring feature, grid, and/or image data, the UTM projection coverages should be used. In fact, some ArcView functions will not be available unless the data are displayed in a projection. This is because a Geographic Coordinate System is NOT a projection but rather a spherical coordinate system dealing directly in latitude and longitude. However, at the scale of maps covering Monterey Bay, the errors produced by ignoring this fact are small. NOTE: To most easily use the grid data, the ArcView Spatial Analyst extension should be installed on your system.</note> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Continental margins</topic> </subject> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Remote-sensing images</topic> </subject> <subject authority="geonames" lang="eng"> <geographic authority="geonames" authorityURI="" valueURI="">Monterey Bay (Calif.)</geographic> </subject> <subject authority="geonames" lang="eng"> <geographic authority="geonames" authorityURI="" valueURI="">Santa Cruz (Calif.)</geographic> </subject> <subject> <temporal encoding="w3cdtf">1985</temporal> </subject> <subject authority="ISO19115TopicCategory"> <topic authority="ISO19115TopicCategory" authorityURI="" valueURI="imageryBaseMapsEarthCover">Imagery and Base Maps</topic> </subject> <subject authority="ISO19115TopicCategory"> <topic authority="ISO19115TopicCategory" authorityURI="" valueURI="inlandWaters">Inland Waters</topic> </subject> <subject> <cartographics> <scale>Scale not given.</scale> <coordinates>W 122°13ʹ48ʺ--W 121°4ʹ48ʺ/N 37°3ʹ--N 35°58ʹ23ʺ</coordinates> </cartographics> </subject> <subject displayLabel="WGS84" authority="EPSG" valueURI=""> <cartographics> <projection>EPSG::4326</projection> </cartographics> </subject> <originInfo> <dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">1997</dateIssued> <dateValid encoding="w3cdtf">1985</dateValid> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Moss Landing, California, US</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute</publisher> </originInfo> <location> <url usage="primary display"></url> </location> <recordInfo> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </languageOfCataloging> <recordContentSource>Stanford</recordContentSource> <recordOrigin>This record was translated from ISO 19139 to MODS v.3 using an xsl transformation.</recordOrigin> <recordIdentifier>edu.stanford.purl:wb465pp6829</recordIdentifier> </recordInfo> <extension displayLabel="geo"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:gml="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dc:format>image/tiff; format=GeoTIFF</dc:format> <dc:type>Dataset#Raster</dc:type> <gml:boundedBy> <gml:Envelope gml:srsName="EPSG:4326"> <gml:lowerCorner>-122.2300931 35.9728493</gml:lowerCorner> <gml:upperCorner>-121.0801775 37.0500285</gml:upperCorner> </gml:Envelope> </gml:boundedBy> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </extension> <relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>GIS data of the Monterey Bay</title> </titleInfo> <location> <url></url> </location> <typeOfResource collection="yes"/> </relatedItem> <accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">These data are licensed by Stanford Libraries and are available to Stanford University affiliates only. Affiliates are limited to current faculty, staff and students. Non affiliates seeking access should contact the publisher directly. These data may not be reproduced or used for any purpose without permission.</accessCondition> <accessCondition type="copyright">Copyright ownership resides with the originator.</accessCondition> </mods>
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