This piont shapefile depicts centroid locations of 10 minute caltawl blocks. The source is the basic 10 minute grid which was created using the ARC/INFO generate fishnet command. The input coordinates were in decimal degrees and the resultant coverage was subsequently projected into Teale Albers. The coastline derived from the 1:100K hydrology was incorporated to the 10 minute grid. The trawl logbook developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the States of Washington, Oregon, California and the National Marine Fisheries Service was used as the reference. Many grids are therefore 30 minute x 30 minute or larger or are partial representations of a 10 minute grid. Islands, bays, deltas and estuarine waters that occurred in the 1:100K hydrology were included in the coverage. Any features not in fishable waters were given an ID of zero. All other features correspond to the ID shown in the Trawl Logbook. The field containing the ID is called block10-id. This coverage can be used to support the following activities: Determining management needs (research, regulations, etc.). Project planning and management. Assessing effects of proposed projects or development on resources. Allocating personnel or patrol effort. Communicating resource information to third parties. Organizing of aquatic habitat information. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Region. (2005). Trawl Blocks (Points): California, 2003. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Resources Region. Available at: Converted to California Teale Albers NAD83 by California Department of Fish and Game, Marine GIS Note: Only those blocks within California's boundries are contained in this coverage. All blocks with ID > 916 are islands or not valid trawl blocks. LATEST NOTES: 2/26/1996 The current coverage is being sent to DFG Biometrics in Menlo Park for assessment. 7/26/1996 The current coverage has an error which causes it to be slightly offset. This will be corrected in a later version. 6/6/1997 The coverage is undergoing a extention of the coverage area to include the waters of the Baja. This extension was requested "by Kevin Hill, MRD." 9/9/2002 Channel Islands showed a 100m shift from coastN27.shp. Channel Islands outlines were removed from blocks. Block polygons were then reclipped to correct Channel Island polygons. Farallon Islands show the same shift. They have not been corrected at this time. Corrections to come. 12/9/2002 Farallon Islands removed from blocks. Blocks were reclipped to corrected Faralon polygons to match CoastN27 polyline. --BEGIN ORIGINAL METADATA - THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE CURRENT-- DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME -- GIS METADATA DFG Trawl logbook catch grid COVERAGE NAME: caltrawl COVERAGE PATH: dfghost:/gdata2/gisuser/ioshima/dat/trawldata METADATA FILE: caltrawl.txt METADATA DATE: Feburary 26, 1996 LATEST NOTES: 2/26/96 The current coverage is being sent to DFG Biometrics in Menlo Park for assessment. 7/26/96 The current coverage has an error which causes it to be slightly offset. This will be corrected in a later version. 06/06/97 The coverage is undergoing a extention of the coverage area to include the waters of the Baja. This extension was requested by Kevin Hill, MRD. ------------------------- COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: The basic 10 minute grid was created using the ARC/INFO generate fishnet command. The input coordinates were in decimal degrees and the resultant coverage was subsequently projected into Teale Albers. The coastline derived from the 1:100K hydrology was incorporated to the 10 minute grid. The trawl logbook developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the States of Washington, Oregon, and California, and the National Marine Fisheries Service was used as the reference. Many grids; therefore, are 30' x 30' or larger or are partial representations of a 10' grid. Islands, bays, deltas and esturine waters that occurred in the 1:100K hydrology were included in the coverage. Any features not in fishable waters were given an ID of zero. All other features correspond to the ID shown in the "Trawl Logbook". The field containing the ID is called block10-id. Note: Only those blocks within California's boundries are contained in this coverage. All blocks with ID > 916 are islands or not valid trawl blocks. COVERAGE USE: (Check all that apply) DFG Function: [x] OSPR; [ ] NHD; [x] IFD; [ ] WMD; [x] ESD; [x] MRD; [x] Bay/Delta; [x] WLP; [x] Other (specify): all units Primary Program/Project Name: California Trawl data Project Leader Name: John Geibel Based in City: Menlo Park Primary Purpose: [x] Determine management needs (research, regulations, etc.) [x] Project planning and management. [x] Assess effects of proposed projects or development on resources. [x] Allocate personnel or patrol effort. [ ] Emergency response planning [x] Communicate resource information to third parties. [x] Other: aquatic habitat information organization Importance of the Data Set: [ ] High (essential; can't do work without it) [x] Medium (important, but absence won't stop completion of work) [ ] Low (useful as ancillary data) VITAL STATISTICS: Standard Teale Parameters? [x] YES; [ ] NO Datum: NAD 27 Projection: Albers Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 (34.0 degrees N) 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 (40.5 degrees N) Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 (120.0 degrees W) Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 (0.0 degrees N) False Easting (X shift): 0 False Northing (Y shift): -4,000,000 Source: CDFG Trawl Logbook / CDFG TSB, Sacramento Source Media: original Source Projection: Teale Albers (California, custom parameters) Source Units: meters Source Scale: 1:100K Capture Method: Conversion Software: [x] PC-ARC/INFO; [x] Workstation ARC/INFO Version: 3.4.1(PC-DOS 6.0); 7.0.3 (HP-UX 10.0) Data Structure: vector ARC/INFO Coverage Type: line/polygon ARC/INFO Precision: single ARC/INFO Tolerances: fuzzy= 1.0 ; dangle= 1.0 m Number of Features: arcs 3012; polygons 780 File Size: appx. 2200K, uncompressed arc export file: caltrawl.e00 Data Updated: 2/26/96 DATA DICTIONARY: Structure for CALTRAWL.AAT COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC DESCRIPTION 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 21 CALTRAWL# 4 5 B - 25 CALTRAWL-ID 4 5 B - All fields in the AAT are ARC/INFO common items. Structure for CALTRAWL.PAT COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC DESCRIPTION 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 9 CALTRAWL# 4 5 B - 13 CALTRAWL-ID 4 5 B - 17 BLOCK10-ID 3 3 I - ID corresponding to the "Trawl logbook" block ID. All fields except BLOCK10-ID are ARC/INFO common items. Note: other fields may be present due to work in progress... Description of item (field) values: CALTRAWL.AAT: N/A CALTRAWL.PAT: BLOCK10-ID ---- ID corresponding to the block number appearing in the "Washington-Oregon-California Trawl Logbook". DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT: The blocks are of high accuracy since these were generated from hard-coded coordinate values. The coastline is from 1:100K hydrologic data. This hydrology is provided to CADFG from Teale Data Center and originates from USGS 1:100K DLG. DATA CONTACT: ISAAC OSHIMA RESEARCH ANALYST DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH GIS UNIT 1730 "I" STREET, SUITE 100 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 916-323-1635 voicemail 916-323-1431 FAX RESPONSIBILITY FOR DATA ACCURACY AND UPDATES: to be determined... Name: Organization: Address: Phone: FAX: email: ARC/INFO describe ----------------- Description of SINGLE precision coverage caltrawl FEATURE CLASSES Number of Attribute Spatial Feature Class Subclass Features data (bytes) Index? Topology? ------------- -------- --------- ------------ ------- --------- ARCS 1546 28 POLYGONS 769 22 Yes NODES 952 REGIONS POLY 0 50 Yes SECONDARY FEATURES Tics 4 Arc Segments 42342 TOLERANCES Fuzzy = 15.000 V Dangle = 0.000 V COVERAGE BOUNDARY Xmin = -483412.031 Xmax = 273058.156 Ymin = -630881.688 Ymax = 455607.938 STATUS The coverage has not been Edited since the last BUILD or CLEAN. NO COORDINATE SYSTEM DEFINED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Trawl Data Year: 1992 Trawl data relates to the caltrawl coverage by block number. caltrawl.pat:Block10-id ---> caltrawl.dat:Block (ONE TO MANY) Each record in the caltrawl.dat file is a 'trawl event'. A 'trawl event' is the dropping and hauling in of a net. There may be many events per 'fishing trip'. Each 'trawl event' is given a "drag_nbr" in the table. This indicates the sequence of events. In general, if you group the vessel ID and Port for particular departure time and date, this would be a 'fishing trip'. This would likely show a number of 'trawl events' as indicated by the sequential "drag_nbr"'s. The table may be queried in many ways and related back to the caltrawl coverage to show which blocks satified the query(s). Whenever your end query has repeated block ids or ONE --> MANY you must choose to link the tables (ArcView / ARC-INFO). If your end query has non-repeating block ids, you can opt to join the resultant table back to the coverage. The advantage to ending up with a joined situation is that in ArcView the 'Theme' then can be easily classified. For instance, green shade for less harvesting and red for heavy harvesting etc.... Field Definitions (* See, Jerry Kobylinski for further information) Type: unknown* Block: key field (relates to Block10_id field in Caltrawl coverage) Month: numeric month (parsed from date field) Day: numeric day (parsed from date field) Year: numeric year (parsed from date field) Port: port of depature* Tot_lbs: total pounds of catch for trawl event Wt# fields: (this 'lookup' table is called: caltrawl.mkt) Wt# Market code Species Inclusive market category codes 1 150 Shark, unspecified 149-151,153-156,158,160-164,167-169,179 2 152 Shark, Spiny dogfish 152 3 159 Shark, Soupfin 159 4 175 Skate 165,174-178 5 190 Sablefish 190 6 195 Lingcod 195 7 197 Pacific cod 197 8 200 Sole, Unspecified 200,202,204,208,210,212 9 201 Flounder, Arrowtooth 201 10 203 Sole, rock 203 11 205 Sole, sand 205 12 206 Sole, English 206 13 207 Sole, Rex 207 14 209 Sole, Petrale 209 15 211 Sole, Dover 211 16 222 Halibut, California 220,222 17 225 San dab 225-228 18 231 Flounder, Starry 230,231 19 240 Turbot 235-240 20 250 Rockfish 245-260,263,265,267,268,651-671,956-960,962,970-97 21 262 Thornyhead 262,678,679 22 269 Rockfish, Widow 269 23 270 Rockfish, Splithead & Rosefish 270,961 24 271 Rockfish, Pacific ocean perch 271 25 495 Whiting, Pacific 495 26 992 Trawled fish for animal food 992 27 997 Trawled fish, Unspecified 170-172,196,198,261,272,290,997 Fed_area: federally designated area* Hours: number of hours for trawl event (h.hh) Genblock: general MRD block id* Bot_dpth: depth to bottom during trawl event (feet) Net_dpth: depth of net during trawl event (feet) Vessel_id: vessel identification* Drag_nbr: trawl event number for fishing trip Departure: time of departure from port (hh:mm) Date: date Chksum: check field (TSB); user defined field Status: status field (TSB); user defined field =========================================================================== --END ORIGINAL METADATA-- This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.