This polygon shapefile contains the rural services boundaries in the County of Santa Cruz, California as defined by County Code Section 17.02.030. Boundaries are defined in the General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan as those areas located outside the urban services line which have recognized urban densities which may or may not have full urban services; specifically including, but not limited to, Davenport, La Selva Beach, Sand Dollar Beach/Canon del Sol, Sunset Beach, and Pajaro Dunes. This layer is part of a collection of GIS data created for Santa Cruz County, California. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Unit falls under the purview of the County of Santa Cruz Information Services Department. The GIS Unit serves all County departments and external customers and provides data on land, features and people of Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz County encompasses 4 cities and approximately 265,000 people. This coverage can be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analyses of geospatial data. County of Santa Cruz Information Services Department. (2015). Rural Services Boundaries: Santa Cruz County, California, 2015. Santa Cruz County, California. Available at GIS Layer Number = 13/ Boundaries were first converted from 1"=800' and 1"=2000' General Plan maps to AutoCAD drawing files. These were plotted and reviewed by the County's Advanced Planning staff.
County of Santa Cruz Planning Department General Plan (adopted May 24, 1994):
County of Santa Cruz Urban Services Line and Rural Services Line Code: These data were compiled from many different sources; therefore, the accuracy of the individual layers varies significantly, and some layers do not align exactly with others. In the urban areas, data are generally accurate within five to ten feet of their true geographic coordinates, but in the rural areas, data may be accurate to only within three hundred feet. With these limitations, the County of Santa Cruz disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of this data. This disclaimer is exclusive and in lieu of any warranties, fitness for particular purpose, and/or any other type of warranty, whether expressed or implied. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.