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<?xml version="1.0"?> <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xlink="" version="3.7" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <titleInfo> <title>Power Plants, United States, 2014</title> </titleInfo> <name type="corporate"> <namePart>National Energy Information Center (U.S.)</namePart> <role> <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">creator</roleTerm> </role> </name> <genre valueURI="" authority="lcgft">Geospatial data</genre> <genre valueURI="" authority="rdacontent">cartographic dataset</genre> <typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> <typeOfResource>software, multimedia</typeOfResource> <physicalDescription> <form>Shapefile</form> <extent>0.185</extent> <digitalOrigin>born digital</digitalOrigin> </physicalDescription> <language> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </language> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Abstract">This point shapefile represents electric power generating plants in the United States by energy source. This includes plants that are operating, on standby, or short- or long-term out of service. The surveys collect data on all plants with a combined nameplate capacity of 1 MW or more. These data were gathered from EIA-860, Annual Electric Generator Report, EIA-860M, Monthly Update to the Annual Electric Generator Report, and EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report. These data are current as of August 2014. This layer is part of a collection of GIS data produced by the U.S. National Energy Information Administration.</abstract> <abstract lang="eng" displayLabel="Purpose">This dataset is intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data.</abstract> <note lang="eng" displayLabel="Preferred citation">National Energy Information Center (U.S.). (2014). Power Plants, United States, 2014. National Energy Information Center. Available at:</note> <note displayLabel="Use limitation">The U.S. Energy Information Administration shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. These data and related graphics, if available, are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The information contained in these data is dynamic and may change over time. The U.S. Energy Information Administration gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data.</note> <subject authority="lcsh" lang="eng"> <topic authority="lcsh" authorityURI="">Electric power-plants</topic> </subject> <subject authority="geonames" lang="eng"> <geographic authority="geonames" authorityURI="" valueURI="">United States</geographic> </subject> <subject> <temporal encoding="w3cdtf">2014</temporal> </subject> <subject authority="ISO19115TopicCategory"> <topic authority="ISO19115TopicCategory" authorityURI="" valueURI="structure">Structure</topic> </subject> <subject authority="ISO19115TopicCategory"> <topic authority="ISO19115TopicCategory" authorityURI="" valueURI="utilitiesCommunication">Utilities and Communication</topic> </subject> <subject> <cartographics> <scale>Scale not given.</scale> <coordinates>W 171°44ʹ15ʺ--W 67°12ʺ/N 71°17ʹ31ʺ--N 18°58ʹ27ʺ</coordinates> </cartographics> </subject> <subject displayLabel="WGS84" authority="EPSG" valueURI=""> <cartographics> <projection>EPSG::4326</projection> </cartographics> </subject> <originInfo> <dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">2014</dateIssued> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Washington, D.C., US</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>National Energy Information Center (U.S.)</publisher> </originInfo> <location> <url usage="primary display"></url> </location> <recordInfo> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> </languageOfCataloging> <recordContentSource>Stanford</recordContentSource> <recordOrigin>This record was translated from ISO 19139 to MODS v.3 using an xsl transformation.</recordOrigin> <recordIdentifier>edu.stanford.purl:cc957ty2116</recordIdentifier> </recordInfo> <extension displayLabel="geo"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:gml="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dc:format>application/x-esri-shapefile; format=Shapefile</dc:format> <dc:type>Dataset#Point</dc:type> <gml:boundedBy> <gml:Envelope gml:srsName="EPSG:4326"> <gml:lowerCorner>-171.7375 18.9742</gml:lowerCorner> <gml:upperCorner>-67.0033 71.292</gml:upperCorner> </gml:Envelope> </gml:boundedBy> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </extension> <relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>U.S. National Energy Information Center Interactive State Maps and GIS Data</title> </titleInfo> <location> <url></url> </location> <typeOfResource collection="yes"/> </relatedItem> <accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">This item is in the public domain. There are no restrictions on use.</accessCondition> <accessCondition type="copyright">This work is in the Public Domain, meaning that it is not subject to copyright.</accessCondition> </mods>
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