New York City Land Cover, 2010 is a high resolution landcover dataset for New York City. This is the 3ft version of the high-resolution land cover dataset for New York City. Seven land cover classes were mapped: (1) tree canopy, (2) grass/shrub, (3) bare earth, (4) water, (5) buildings, (6) roads, and (7) other paved surfaces. The minimum mapping unit for the delineation of features was set at 3 square feet. The primary sources used to derive this land cover layer were the 2010 LiDAR and the 2008 4-band orthoimagery. Ancillary data sources included GIS data (city boundary, building footprints, water, parking lots, roads, railroads, railroad structures, ballfields) provided by New York City (all ancillary datasets except railroads); UVM Spatial Analysis Laboratory manually created railroad polygons from manual interpretation of 2008 4-band orthoimagery.