Includes explanatory note: "The Blue contour lines represent the limits of the cold (or ice bearing current) from 40° to 50° of temperature, _the Red contour lines, those of the warm current (or that derived from tropical regions) from 60° & upwards. The figures thus (59·5) denote the temperature of the surface (as observed) in precisely the same manner, as the soundings represent the depth of water on any ordinary chart. The direction of the currents is indicated by the flight of the Arrow_ near the barb of which is marked its velocity &c. Each date is underlined with the same colour as the track to which it belongs. The Chart represents the temperatures & currents during the months of August & September, about the parallel of 40°_ but near & round the Cape, during the month of February." Captain Toynbee's tracks of 1860-1, 1861-2, 1862-3, 1863-4, and summer 1864 are shown. Depth (Agulhas Bank) shown by shading. From: The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. 35, (1865), pp. 147-53; held in Firestone Library. Call number: G7 .J687 v.35 1865