Relief shown pictorially. Scale: Milliaria Germanica communia. Includes latitude and longitude. Fourth state includes to the left of the view: "cum Privil. Ordin.: General: Belgii Faederati." First printed map to show the correct shape of Manhattan. Shows locations of New England and the Middle Atlantic states, known towns and American Indian settlements. Includes images of wildlife. Covers New England and Middle Atlantic region southward to Hampton Roads. A map in the Van der Donck-Jansson-Visscher series of maps of the middle colonies. Inset view: Nieuw Amsterdam op t eylant Manhattans [ca. 1650]. Includes index for inset. Inset is of New Amsterdam, looking southeast, from Governors Island. Authorship of both map and view has been attributed to Augustine Herrman. Historic Maps copies 1 and 3 are uncolored.