Relief shown by gradient tints, and spot elevation. "Este no es el mapa oficial de la República de Nicaragua. Los límites no son necesariamente aquellos reconocido por el gobierno de EE.UU. "Ejecutado por AID Resources Inventory Center, Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Washington, D.C." "Alianza para el Progreso." "Based on compilations of the scale of 1:400,000 and 1:1,000,000 furnished by the Dirección General de Cartografía (D.G.C.) in September 1964. Additional spot heights added from the D.G.C. 1:50,000 topographic maps and the preliminary editons of the 1:250,000 planimetric maps. Reviewed by D.G.C. in May of 1965". In lower right margin: "L1".