AMS 1. Alternate title: Taihoku-Matsuyama. In upper left margin: Formosa city plans 1:10,000. Polyconic projection. Relief shown by 10 meter contour intervals and spot elevations. Place names are transcribed according to the modified Hepburn (Romaji) System. With a glossary. Name has been changed to T'ai-pei [Taipei]. Military grid. "Contour interval 10 meters." Three classes of roads or trails, three classes of railroads, two types of internal boundaries, and areas of vegetation and cultivation are shown. Some buildings and regional districts are named. Includes "Glossary." Marginal maps and diagrams: Coverage diagram.--Index to boundaries. East Decimal Degree 121.583333. Alternate title: Taihoku-Matsuyama. In upper left margin: Formosa city plans 1:10,000. Polyconic projection. Relief shown by 10 meter contour intervals and spot elevations. Place names are transcribed according to the modified Hepburn (Romaji) System. With a glossary. Name has been changed to T'ai-pei [Taipei]. Compiled in 1944 from aerial photography dated Mar., Sept., and Oct. 1944 by photo-planimeteric methods and by reference to Formosa 1:25,000, Japanese Imperial Land Survey, Sheets Taihoku East, 1927, Taihoku West, 1926; Formosa 1:50,000, Japanese Imperial Land Survey, Sheets Taihoku East, 1931, Taihoklu West, 1929 and Vicinity of Taihoku, 1:13,000 Approx., 1943. Topography adjusted from base maps by reference to aerial photography. Additional information from intelligence data. West Decimal Degree 121.483333. North Decimal Degree 25.083333. South Decimal Degree 25.016667.