AMS 1. North Decimal Degree 24.766667. South Decimal Degree 24.716667. East Decimal Degree 121.750000. West Decimal Degree 121.716667. Alternate title: Giran. In upper left margin: Formosa city plans 1:7,500. Polyconic projection. Relief given by 10 meter contour intervals and spot elevations. Compiled in 1945 from aerial photography dated October 1944, by photo-planimetric methods and by reference to Formosa 1:25,000, A.M.S. Sheets, 2421-III SE., 2421-III NE., 2421-II NW., 2421-II SW., all of 1944. Additional information from intelligence data. Place names are transcribed according to the modified Hepburn (Romaji) System. With a glossary. Name has been changed to Ilan.