Companion text: Geology of the land and sea areas of northern Europe : a collection of short descriptions of the geology of countries and sea areas within the region covered by the 1:4 million bedrock geological map / edited by Ellen M. O. Sigmond & David Roberts. Trondheim : Norges Geologiske Undersokelse. Special publication / Norges geologiske undersokelse 10. 2007. 100p. North Decimal Degree 82.500000. South Decimal Degree 47.000000. East Decimal Degree 75.000000. West Decimal Degree -39.000000. Lambert conformal conic projection. Depths shown by contour intervals. With geological time table, deep sea drilling diagram, and cross sections. "Base map: Digital Chart of the World, Defense Mapping Agency. Printed: Almqvist & Wiksell Tryckeri. "This map was prepared and published under the aegis of the GGMW (Commission for the Geologic Map of the World)." Another copy of map with source publication.
Trondheim : Geological Survey of Norway. Special publication 10 Norges geologiske undersokelse Commission for the Geological Map of the World, 2002.