Great Britain. War Office. Intelligence Division. I.D.W.O. no. 1522. Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. G.S.G.S. no. 1522. Relief shown by form lines and spot heights. Some sheets from this set were revised and issued by War Office. Geographical Section. General Staff, published as G.S.G.S. no. 1522, 1522a. Series covers Mesopotamia and eastern Anatolian parts of Ottoman Empire. "Compiled at the Intelligence Division, War Office by Major F.R. Maunsell, R.A. [from] Capt. F.R. Maunsell Reconnaissances 1888 & 1892, Col. M. Gerard Reconnnaissances 1881 & 1882, M.J. de Morgan 'Mission Scientifique en Perse' 1895, C. Brzozowski 'Lever dans le Kourdistan' 1869, Capt. G. Tyrrell R.A. 1902, Capt. B Dickson R.A. 1909, "Routenkarte des Nordwetlichen Persien' by A.F. Stahl 1905, Turco-Persion Fronteir Map 1913-14. Corrected 1916." With glossary. Set is complete, see index.