U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series (topographic) North Decimal Degree 40.000000. South Decimal Degree 39.875000. East Decimal Degree -74.625000. West Decimal Degree -74.750000. Alternate title: Pemberton, N. J. Polyconic projection. Universal transverse Mercator grids are shown. Relief shown by 10 feet contour interval and spot heights. Datum is mean sea level. "Mapped by the Army Map Service; edited, and published by the United States Geological Survey. Control by USCE, USC&GS, and New Jersey Geodetic Survey. Topography from aerial photographs taken by photogrammetric methods. Aerial photographs taken 1947. Planimetric detail revised from aerial photographs taken 1955-1956. Field check 1957." Map is temporarily filed in the Reserve Course Materials Collection.