View Metadata
Guanajuato, Mexico Basic Geographic Statistical Areas, 2011
- Identification Information
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Distribution Information
- Metadata Reference Information
- Identification Information
- Citation
- Originator
- LeadDog Consulting, LLC
- Publication Date
- 20110401
- Title
- Guanajuato, Mexico Basic Geographic Statistical Areas, 2011
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Other Citation Details
- Date cited is date of last modification of file.
- Online Linkage
- Abstract
- Basic Geographic Statistical Areas (AGEB, Áreas Geográfico Estadísticas Básicas) in Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011.
- Purpose
- LeadDog products are used in a variety of applications that require accurate and comprehensive GIS street and road centerline maps. LeadDog data products are widely used for routing, geocoding, asset-tracking, and site selection by the government, the military, and private security companies. LeadDog provides a topologically connected network of streets and roads to support routing. In areas where attributes are scarce, basic geometry based routing is supported. In areas where attributes are more complete, more advanced routing using both geometry and attributes describing one-way streets, ramps, etc., is supported. Attributes are empty for many road and street segments, due to scarce information in remote countries and regions. LeadDog is constantly working to collect and fill in missing information.
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- Date of last modification of file.
- Time Instant
- 20110401
- Bounding Box
- West
- -102.025392
- East
- -100.049416
- North
- 21.809158
- South
- 19.953614
- Theme Keyword
- boundaries
- statistical area
- statistical areas
- census
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Theme Keyword
- boundaries
- location
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- ISO 19115 Topic Categories
- Place Keyword
- Mexico
- Guanajuato
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Temporal Keyword
- Access Restrictions
- None
- Use Restrictions
- These data can only be used by LeadDog customers, as detailed specifically in LeadDog licensing terms and agreements. Data are licensed to Princeton University-affiliated persons only.
- Status
- Complete
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- Unknown
- Point of Contact
- Contact Organization
- Map and Geospatial Information Center, Lewis Library, Princeton University
- Delivery Point
- Map and Geospatial Information Center, Lewis Library, Princeton University
- City
- Princeton
- State
- NJ
- Postal Code
- 08544
- Country
- US
- Contact Telephone
- 609-258-1097
- Credit
- LeadDog Consulting, LLC
- Native Data Set Environment
- Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.0 (Build 6001) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Direct Spatial Reference Method
- Vector
- Point and Vector Object Information
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type
- GT-polygon composed of chains
- Point and Vector Object Count
- 2162
- Spatial Reference Information
- Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
- Geographic
- Latitude Resolution
- 8.983152841195215e-009
- Longitude Resolution
- 8.983152841195215e-009
- Geographic Coordinate Units
- Decimal Degrees
- Geodetic Model
- Horizontal Datum Name
- D WGS 1984
- Ellipsoid Name
- WGS 1984
- Semi-major Axis
- 6378137.0
- Denominator of Flattening Ratio
- 298.257223563
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Label
- AGEB_gto_2011
- Entity Type Definition
- Basic Geographic Statistical Areas (AGEBs, Áreas Geográfico Estadísticas Básicas)
- Entity Type Definition Source
- LeadDog
- Attributes
- Unique Id assigned automatically by ESRI ArcGIS. FID is used for ShapeFiles, OBJECTID is used for all other formats. (The set of all FID/OBJECTID values)
- Definition Source
- LeadDog
- Shape
- Feature type assigned automatically by ESRI ArcGIS. (The set of all Shape values)
- Definition Source
- LeadDog
- Individual number assigned to each polygon. First two numbers in the string represent the province associated with that clave. (The set of all CLAVE values)
- Definition Source
- LeadDog
- Number represents country code. (The set of all LAYER values)
- Definition Source
- LeadDog
- Distribution Information
- Name
- Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date
- 20140711
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization
- Map and Geospatial Information Center, Lewis Library, Princeton University
- Contact Address
- Address
- Map and Geospatial Information Center, Lewis Library, Princeton University
- City
- Princeton
- State or Province
- NJ
- Postal Code
- 08544
- Country
- US
- Contact Voice Telephone
- 609-258-1097
- Metadata Standard Name
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version
- FGDC-STD-001-1998