View Metadata
Wales constituencies, 1862-1868
- Identification Information
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Distribution Information
- Metadata Reference Information
- Identification Information
- Citation
- Originator
- GBHGIS, University of Portsmouth, Research Project
- Publication Date
- 20090930
- Title
- Wales constituencies, 1862-1868
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Online Linkage
- Abstract
- These are digital boundaries for the system of Constituencies which were and are the units from which Members of Parliament are elected, and which they then represent. The system of county and borough constituencies has early origins but was not systematically mapped until the reforms introduced by the Representation of the People Act in 1832. This file represents a separate set of digital boundaries for constituencies in England and Wales created for the period 1862-8 incorporating eliminations of rotten boroughs between the Boundary Commission Reports of 1832 and 1868.
- Purpose
- For displaying historical boundaries with GIS software.
- Supplemental Information
- Gregory, I, Bennett, C, Gilham, V., and Southall, H. 2002. The Great Britain Historical GIS Project: from maps to changing human geography.' The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, p. 37-49. Southall, H 2012, 'Rebuilding the Great Britain Historical GIS, part 2: a geo-spatial ontology of administrative units' Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, vol 45, no. 3, pp. 119-134. DOI: 10.1080/01615440.2012.664101
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- Publication date.
- Time Instant
- 20090930
- Bounding Box
- West
- -5.811017
- East
- -2.641237
- North
- 53.451415
- South
- 51.330784
- Theme Keyword
- constituencies
- parliamentary constituencies
- history
- administrative units
- boundary
- boundaries
- administrative boundaries
- administrative divisions
- historical boundaries
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Theme Keyword
- boundaries
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- ISO 19115 Topic Categories
- Place Keyword
- United Kingdom
- Wales
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Temporal Keyword
- 1862
- 1868
- Temporal Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Access Restrictions
- Data are made freely available to UK educational and research users for non-commercial purposes via a download system requiring membership of the U.K. Access and Management Federation, at Data are being made available, for a fee and for non-commercial purposes, to individual researchers and to U.K. public and charitable bodies, via the University of Portsmouth online shop at Other users and those needing a licence covering commercial use should contact the Great Britain Historical GIS at Note that these restrictions are necessary partly because exclusive licenses already exist covering use of these data for certain specific commercial purposes.
- Use Restrictions
- Copies of the boundary data may not be passed on to other users; each user must obtain their own copy of the data from the University of Portsmouth or from a data library authorised to distribute, who are required to maintain a record of users to whom the data have been supplied. Data may be used to create paper maps, non-georeferenced raster images or PDF files, provided they include a copyright notice and acknowledgment. Geo-referenced vector data in any format may not be disseminated by any method, including online downloads or data feeds. For full details see copyright license included with authorised copies of the data.
- Status
- Complete
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- Unknown
- Point of Contact
- Contact Organization
- University of Portsmouth
- Delivery Point
- Department of Geography. Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace,
- City
- Portsmouth
- Postal Code
- PO1 3HE
- Country
- GB
- Contact Telephone
- +44 (0)23 9284 2500
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Point of Contact
- Contact Organization
- University of Portsmouth
- Delivery Point
- Department of Geography. Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace,
- City
- Portsmouth
- Postal Code
- PO1 3HE
- Country
- GB
- Contact Telephone
- +44 (0)23 9284 2497
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Point of Contact
- Contact Organization
- Map and Geospatial Information Center, Lewis Library, Princeton University
- Delivery Point
- Map and Geospatial Information Center, Lewis Library, Princeton University
- City
- Princeton
- State
- NJ
- Postal Code
- 08544
- Country
- US
- Contact Telephone
- 609-258-1097
- Credit
- University of Portsmouth
- Native Data Set Environment
- Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Direct Spatial Reference Method
- Vector
- Point and Vector Object Information
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type
- GT-polygon composed of chains
- Point and Vector Object Count
- 28
- Spatial Reference Information
- Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
- Planar
- Map Projection
- Map Projection Name
- British National Grid
- Transverse Mercator
- Scale Factor at Central Meridian
- 0.9996012717
- Longitude of Central Meridian
- -2.0
- Latitude of Projection Origin
- 49.0
- False Easting
- 400000.0
- False Northing
- -100000.0
- Planar Coordinate Information
- Planar Coordinate Encoding Method
- coordinate pair
- Coordinate Representation
- Abscissa Resolution
- 0.000000002219846528817016
- Ordinate Resolution
- 0.000000002219846528817016
- Planar Distance Units
- meter
- Geodetic Model
- Horizontal Datum Name
- D OSGB 1936
- Ellipsoid Name
- Airy 1830
- Semi-major Axis
- 6377563.396
- Denominator of Flattening Ratio
- 299.3249646
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Label
- W1862_1868_Constituencies
- Entity Type Definition
- Polygons representing historical administrative divisions.
- Entity Type Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Attributes
- Internal feature number. (Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.)
- Definition Source
- Esri
- Shape
- Feature geometry. (Coordinates defining the features.)
- Definition Source
- Esri
- g_unit
- Unique identifier for unit. (These polygons are a new release of data. They include a "g_unit" value. This value is a unique identifier from our gazetteer.
The g_unit value can be used to identify the same unit in different years even if the name/boundary/status of the unit has changed.
It also can be used to link to historical statistics deposited by the data creator at the UK Data Archive (University of Essex), hence the removal of all superfluous attribute data from these boundary files.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Name of unit at this date.
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Status of name: P = Preferred or O = Official (N.B. see general notes). (Equates to "G_NAME_STATUS" in gazetteer.
As far as possible all unit names are the Preferred English name at the date given in the file name. Where this was unavailable they have been assigned their Preferred Welsh name in that year.
Where the name status is given as 'O' this indicates it was the preferred official name at this particular date, although another name later replaced it as the preferred name.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Language of name: eng = English, cym = Welsh (N.B. see general notes).
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Type of the unit: Constituency = Constituency (N.B. see general notes). (Equates to "G_UNIT_TYPE" in gazetteer.
The Unittype value is the administrative unit type for this unit at the date given in the file name.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Status of the unit:
UniCon = University Constituency,
DistBCon = District of Boroughs Constituency,
PCon = Parliamentary Constituency,
PDivCon = Division of Parliamentary Constituency,
PBCon = Parliamentary Borough Constituency,
PBDivCon = Division of Parliamentary Borough Constituency,
CCon = County Constituency,
BCon = Borough Constituency,
DistBDivCon = Division of District of Boroughs Constituency,
BurCon = Burgh Constituency,
BorCon = Borough Constituency,
CqPCon = Cinque Port Constituency (N.B. see general notes). (The g_status value is the status for this unit at the date given in the g_year column. All these units are district level. These units can have only one g_status value at a time except for Cinque Port g_status which is in addition to Borough g_status. Status values can alter over time.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Date of start of polygon. (The polygon dates are those indicated in the file name, the g_year value is only the start date.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Nation constituency within (N.B. see general notes). (Constituencies polygons have been assigned to a Nation which has been added at UKBorders request.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Date unit started if after 1832 but before 1868. (A start date is given for polygons where the Constituency was franchised prior to the next Boundary Commission Report of 1868. Where this value is blank the default value of 1832 applies as the start date.)
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Source of information.
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Further information on source.
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Notes relating to specific polygon(s).
- Definition Source
- University of Portsmouth
- Distribution Information
- Name
- Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date
- 20170829
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization
- University of Portsmouth
- Contact Person
- Paula Aucott
- Contact Position
- Senior Research Associate
- Contact Address
- Address
- Department of Geography, Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace,
- City
- Portsmouth
- Postal Code
- PO1 3HE
- Country
- GB
- Contact Voice Telephone
- +44 (0)23 9284 2500
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Metadata Standard Name
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version
- FGDC-STD-001-1998