Relief shown by hachures and depths shown by soundings and isolines.; Insets: Canso Harbor, Halifax Harbor, Miramachi Bay and River, from Cape Canso to Pictou, harbor of St. John, New Brunswick, from Scatari Island to Sydney Harbor. Red dots signify fixed lights and lighthouses.; "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1864 by E.W. Carpenter in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts."; Oriented with north to upper left corner.; Label on map verso: "Eldridge's Chart, No. 3. Cape Cod to Bell Isle."; "Sold by S. Thaxter & Son, 125 State St. Boston."; Bookseller's advertisement pasted on map verso. 96 x 157 centimeters, on sheet 101 x 162 centimeters Scale not given General Map Collection