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Land Use and Land Cover, Tompkins County NY, 1995
- Identification Information
- Data Quality Information
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Distribution Information
- Metadata Reference Information
- Identification Information
- Citation
- Originator
- Tompkins County ITS GIS Division
- Originator
- Tompkins County Planning Department
- Publication Date
- 2000
- Title
- Land Use and Land Cover, Tompkins County NY, 1995
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Online Linkage
- Abstract
- The Tompkins County Planning Department utilized inter-departmental mapping expertise of the Tompkins County Information Technology Services GIS Division to produce a land use and land cover data set of Tompkins County, NY. The need for this data set has been identified by various county departments, local municipal agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations. Traditionally, land use and land cover maps have been developed by interpreting aerial photographs, delineating land use and land cover polygons onto a geo-referenced base map, and then digitizing the line work. This project uses an innovative methodology to develop a land use and land cover map entirely within a digital environment. Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQ), a type of color infra-red digital aerial photograph, and a number of other secondary digital data sources (wetlands, hydrology, and planimetric base data) are being used to interpret and delineate land use and land cover directly on-screen. This technique is more time efficient by reducing the number of processing steps required, as well as more accurate by reducing cumulative errors introduced through multiple processing steps. A land use and land cover classification system was designed to meet the needs of the users of these data. A needs assessment meeting was held prior to the project to determine the needs of planners, local municipalities, advisory boards and educators. In 1968, the Land Use and Natural Resource Inventory (LUNR) a state-wide land use and land cover mapping project, used aerial photographs to identify 130 land use and land cover classes. The Tompkins County land use and land cover classification system has been designed to be comparable with the LUNR classification system. Comparable classification systems will enable users to analyze changes in land use and land cover over the previous thirty year time period
- Purpose
- Provides a county-wide data set of all tax map boundaries for the tax parcel maps in Tompkins County. Potential uses of these data include land use and land cover time change analysis, comprehensive planning and development suitability analysis.
- Supplemental Information
- This data set is derived from the interpretation and delineation of land use and land cover from Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles.
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- ground condition
- Time Period
- Beginning
- 1994
- End
- 1995
- Bounding Box
- West
- -76.707965
- East
- -76.234
- North
- 42.628604
- South
- 42.253456
- Theme Keyword
- Land Cover
- Land Use
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- ISO Topic Category
- imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
- planningCadastre
- environment
- Theme Keyword
- landcover
- property
- environment
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- CUGIR Category
- Place Keyword
- Tompkins County, New York
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- None
- Temporal Keyword
- Access Restrictions
- None
- Use Restrictions
- The following statement must be included with any products that use or are derived from this data set: "Data contained in this product was originally produced by the Tompkins County ITS GIS Division and may not be reproduced or redistributed without the express written consent of the originator. The originator does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information portrayed by the data."
- Status
- In work
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- Irregular
- Point of Contact
- Contact Organization
- Tompkins County Planning Department
- Delivery Point
- 121 East Court Street
- City
- Ithaca
- State
- New York
- Postal Code
- 14850
- Country
- Contact Telephone
- (607) 274-5560
- Contact Facsimile Telephone
- (607) 274-5578
- Hours of Service
- 8:30 - 4:30 Monday to Friday
- Credit
- Tompkins County ITS GIS Division
- Native Data Set Environment
- WindowsNT 4.0 x86, Arc/Info Single Precision Coverage
- Cross-Reference
- Originator
- Tompkins County Planning Department
- Publication Date
- 200904
- Title
- Tompkins County Land Use and Land Cover 2007
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- vector digital data
- Online Linkage
- Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- See the Methodology Report (Methodology_Report.pdf)
- Logical Consistency Report
- See the Methodology Report (Methodology_Report.pdf)
- Completeness Report
- Complete for Tompkins County and a 200-foot buffer in the surrounding counties.
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- Varies, depending on source of DOQQ data for each quarter quad. Areas that are at the edges of each DOQQ have the lowest quality positional accuracy
- Lineage
- Source
- Originator
- Publication Date
- 1994/1995
- Title
- Digital Orthophoto Quarter-Quadrangles (DOQQs)
- Other Citation Details
- Digital aerial photographs
- Source Scale Denominator
- 12000
- Type of Source Media
- CD-ROM, Removable Media
- Source Temporal Extent
- Time Period Information
- Range of Dates/Times
- Beginning Date
- 1994
- Ending Date
- 1995
- Source Currentness Reference
- ground condition
- Contribution
- aerial photos
- Spatial Data Organization Information
- Direct Spatial Reference Method
- Vector
- Point and Vector Object Information
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type
- G-polygon
- Point and Vector Object Count
- 29415
- Spatial Reference Information
- Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
- Planar
- Grid Coordinate System
- Grid Coordinate System Name
- State Plane Coordinate System 1983
- State Plane Coordinate System
- SPCS Zone Identifier
- 3102
- Transverse Mercator
- Planar Coordinate Information
- Planar Coordinate Encoding Method
- coordinate pair
- Coordinate Representation
- Abscissa Resolution
- 0.000256
- Ordinate Resolution
- 0.000256
- Planar Distance Units
- survey feet
- Geodetic Model
- Horizontal Datum Name
- North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid Name
- Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major Axis
- 6378137.000000
- Denominator of Flattening Ratio
- 298.257222
- Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Label
- LULC1995
- Entity Type Definition
- Land use or land cover class
- Entity Type Definition Source
- Classification system is based on LUNR, but has been adapted to meet the needs of the Tompkins County Planning Department
- Attributes
- Area in square US survey feet (Positive real numbers that are automatically
- Definition Source
- Tompkins County Planning Department and Tompkins County ITS GIS Division, 1999
- Perimeter in US survey feet (Positive real numbers that are automatically
- Definition Source
- Tompkins County Planning Department and Tompkins County ITS GIS Division, 1999
- LU
- Land Use and Land Cover classes devised by the staff in
the Tompkins County Planning Department and the Tompkins
County ITS GIS Division, based in part on the LUNR
classification system from 1968.
- Ac
- Cropland: Tillable land used for growing cultivated field crops, forage crops, grain, beans, etc. Hedgerows separating defined Ac areas were delineated as separate classes (typically Fd, Fm, Fb or Fc) if they are greater than 20 meters wide
- Ad
- Cattle: Farmland used for the feeding and milking of dairy cattle as well as for beef cattle. Barn with silos and feedlots are included.
- Ae
- Horse farm: Horse barns, feed lot, and animal recreation areas. (Pasture will be in Ap).
- Af
- Fishery/Aquaculture: Fishery ponds and associated buildings.
- Ah
- High intensity cropland/horticulture: Nurseries, including green-houses, vegetable production areas, and other gardens more than a half-acre in size.
- Ai
- Inactive Agriculture: Farmland and fields that appear to be no longer used for farming practices. Fields may appear to be growing over with tall grasses and small shrubs.
- Ao
- Orchards: Farmland dedicated to growing tree products including associated buildings.
- Ap
- Pasture: Areas used for grazing. Is enclosed by fence and may have small trees and shrubs. Located adjacent to livestock farm
- At
- Tree farm: Areas used for cultivating trees, primarily Xmas trees.
- Av
- Vineyards: Grape growing farms and pastures which may include winery buildings.
- Ay
- Other farms: Poultry, sheep, swine, game, mixed animal farms, animal shelters, and farms that produce livestock feeds (granaries).
- Cbd
- Central Business District: Commercial/residential centers of city and villages where mixed land uses of Commercial, Public/Institutional, and high density Residential exist. There may be buildings that comprise more than one type of land use, such as a storefront on the first floor, offices on the second floor, and residences on the third floor. Land uses are mixed and are high in density.
- Cc
- Shopping Centers/Malls: Commercial areas that are predominately shopping centers and malls including significant surrounding parking facilities.
- Co
- Offices: Buildings that contain administrative offices, as well as facilities that include business or technology services that are not predominantly retail orientated. Facilities may be part of a business/technology/industrial park. In some cases medical offices (Ph) may be included if they do not constitute the dominant land use.
- Cr
- Retail: Commercial areas along roadways not associated with distinct commercial centers or large shopping malls. Will include linear highway corridor development, as well as individual retail businesses and services that may exist within residential or industrial areas.
- Cs
- Commercial Storage: Indoor and outdoor commercial storage facilities for public rentals and warehouse/storage facilities not associated with adjacent commercial or industrial land uses.
- Da
- Abandoned: Areas that include buildings and facilities that are interpreted as abandoned or vacant.
- Db
- Barren Land: Land that is composed of either rock, gravel or sand, which cannot be cultivated or associated with any other defined land use class.
- Dl
- Disturbed Land: Land that has been cleared of vegetation and the interpretation of any identifiable or defined land use class is not possible.
- Fb
- Brush: Areas that have considerable growth of shrubs and small trees, but can not be classified as forest. The brush land cover must occupy at least 80% of the delineated area. Forest and grassland may be incorporated into the remaining 20%.
- Fc
- Coniferous Forest: Forested areas where needle trees, such as pine, spruce, fir and hemlock make up at least 80% of the tree cover.
- Fd
- Deciduous: Forested areas where broadleaf trees make up at least 80% of the tree cover.
- Fg
- Grassland: Open grassy areas with no associated adjacent land uses. May include small amounts of shrubs, trees and brush. The grassland cover must occupy at least 80% of the delineated area. The remaining 20% may be trees, shrubs and brush. Grassland areas may be naturally occurring, or may be regularly mowed.
- Fm
- Mixed forest: Forested areas with mixed coniferous and deciduous trees. The ratio of the predominant coniferous or deciduous tree stands must not exceed 80%.
- Fp
- Forest Plantation: Rows of mature trees, primarily conifers, planted by man
- Ia
- Agriculture Industry: Buildings and facilities associated with agri-business
- Ie
- Extractive: Salt mining operations, gravel pits, rock quarries.
- Il
- Light Industry: Facilities and grounds that include activities associated with the manufacturing, processing, fabricating, assembly, finishing, packaging, warehousing, and outdoor storage of products.
- It
- Communication Towers: Communication tower sites at ground level including areas occupied by guide wires.
- Iu
- Utilities: Power plants and substations.
- Oc
- Campgrounds: Public and private camping areas, including areas designated for camping in state and town parks as well as private RV parks.
- Oe
- Recreation corridors: Areas characterized as linear recreation ways for uses such as trails and paths associated with outdoor recreation activities and pedestrian connections.
- Og
- Golf Course: Includes driving ranges, club house and greens
- Oh
- Hunt clubs: Land areas used specifically for the sport of hunting. May include shooting range and fields for practice of this sport.
- Op
- Parks: Public parks as well as Cornell Plantations including picnic areas, walking/hiking/running trails, playgrounds, manicured lawns, and landscaped areas within park boundaries.
- Or
- Youth religious camps: Cabins and other buildings associated with summer camps and or religious retreats.
- Os
- Recreational shoreline: Shoreline where land use is recreational lake access. Docks and boat moorings may exist. Consists of rocky shoreline land cover. Boundaries vary with lake levels.
- Ot
- Stadiums/track/ball fields: Sporting fields that may or may not be associated with schools and parks. Baseball diamonds, tennis courts, running track, soccer and football fields with goal posts, swimming facilities. Motor tracks included.
- Pc
- Cemetery: Cemeteries at least one-half acre in area.
- Pd
- Solid waste disposal: Waste disposal sites such as recycling centers, landfills, exposed dumps and private junk yards.
- Pe
- Educational: All schools, university and college academic buildings, research facilities, and associated parking facilities and quads. College campuses include other land uses that, if at least one-half acre in area, is designated as distinct LULC classes. Pe is used only for the academic and research related buildings and the surrounding parking lots and grounds. This class also includes other learning centers such as the Sciencenter, Cayuga Nature Center and the Fingerlakes School of Massage.
- Pf
- Community center, social hall, fraternal lodge: American Legions, Veterans associations, and community centers where social events, Bingo, pancake breakfasts and chicken bbq fund raisers occur.
- Ph
- Health facilities: Hospital, health clinics, medical offices, and nursing homes.
- Pj
- Correctional facilities: County jail, secure work camps, and other correctional centers.
- Po
- Governmental office facilities: Includes all local, state, and federal governmental office facilities that are interpreted to be the dominant land use. This class includes courthouses, town halls, and other public service and administrative facilities.
- Pp
- Public works: Areas that include facilities for highway departments, fire departments, public safety, maintenance buildings, and related storage areas. Public works facilities present on the educational campuses that are at least one-half acre in area are classified as Pp.
- Pr
- Church/synagogue/monastery: Houses of worship. Delineated only if the parcel on which the facility(s) is located is at least one-half acre in area.
- Ps
- Sewage treatment facilities: Facilities whose primary function is the treatment of waste water.
- Pt
- Water Tank: Tank used as reserve of water, either for drinking water or for filling of fire department trucks.
- Pw
- Water management facilities: Facilities whose primary function is management of drinking water.
- Rh
- High density residential: Residential land areas with approximately 5 or more dwellings on average per acre. Comprised mainly of urban areas of residential land use patterns including densities ranging from single family structures to multi-unit apartment buildings.
- Rl
- Low density residential: Residential land areas with a maximum average of 1 dwelling per acre.
- Rm
- Medium density residential: Residential land areas with more than 1, but less than 5 dwellings on average per acre.
- Rp
- Manufactured home park: Residential land areas with a density of 4 or more manufactured homes on average per acre and a designation of the property as a manufactured home park or subdivision.
- Ta
- Airport or active airstrip: Includes all public and private airport facilities, hangars, parking facilities, and runways.
- Tc
- Bus depot, fleet storage, garage for public vehicles: Places that store large number of cars, vans, trucks or buses for purposes of public use and transportation. Examples include Cornell?s fleet storage, T-CAT, ISCD school bus depot.
- Th
- Highway: The limited access sections of Route 13 that include at least 4 total traffic lanes. Associated interchanges and ramps will also be delineated within this class.
- Tr
- Railroads: Active railroad right of ways including switchyards
- Wb
- Marsh, bog, shrub wetlands: Areas of wetlands that contain grasses, scrub, brush, and are void of tall trees.
- Wc
- Reservoir: Bodies of water that are formed from damming creeks.
- Wn
- Natural Lake/Pond: Bodies of water that are not formed by damming creeks. Ponds may be man-made.
- Ww
- Wooded Wetland: Wooded areas that show considerable amounts of water beneath the trees
- Definition Source
- Tompkins County Planning Department and Tompkins County ITS GIS Division, 1999
- Any unusual or informative characteristics associated
with the land use classification (text string)
- Definition Source
- Tompkins County Planning Department and Tompkins County ITS GIS Division, 1999
- secondary land cover class (same list of values as LU)
- Definition Source
- interpreted from the Methodology Report
- land cover class, updated in 1999 (same list of values as LU)
- Definition Source
- interpreted from the Methodology Report
- Distribution Information
- Format Name
- Shapefile
- Format Name
- metadata
- Format Name
- HTML metadata
- Format Name
- Format Name
- Format Name
- Distributor
- Albert R. Mann Library
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Online Access
- Name
- Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date
- 20190524
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization
- Albert R. Mann Library
- Contact Address
- Address
- Albert R. Mann Library
- City
- Ithaca
- State or Province
- New York
- Postal Code
- 14853
- Country
- Contact Voice Telephone
- 607-255-5406
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Metadata Standard Name
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version
- FGDC-STD-001-1998