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Roads Michigan 2009
- Identification Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Data Quality Information
- Distribution Information
- Spatial Representation Information
- Metadata Reference Information
Identification Information
- Citation
- Title
- Roads Michigan 2009
- Originator
- Michigan Center for Geographic Information
- Publisher
- Michigan Center for Geographic Information
- Publication Date
- 2009-05-01
- Edition
- Version 9b
- Identifier
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- mapDigital
- Abstract
- This line data layer represents roads for Michigan in 2009. The dataset was originally published by the Michigan Center for Geographic Information on May 1, 2009.[This data set is part of the Michigan Geographic Framework. The framework serves as the digital base map for State of Michigan government. Currently the geographic framework contains features including roads, rivers, lakes, streams, railroads, political jurisdiction boundaries, school district boundaries, census area tabulation boundaries and legislative district boundaries. Specifically, this Michigan base map will consist of an Arc Info coverage which includes features and attributes based on the current TIGER/Line Files, base map features based on both the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Michigan Resource Information System (MIRIS) Files and an enhanced linear referencing system built from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Michigan Accident Location Index (MALI). The Geographic Framework will serve as a common and standardized infrastructure on which all GIS users of 1:24,000 scale map data can build their applications. At the heart of the Geographic Framework will be the ability to administer programs that use location-based information and need to relate one database to another geographically. Version 9b replaces Version 8a as the current version of the Michigan Geographic Framework (MGF). A primary driving force in the creation of Framework Version 9b was the continued reconciliation of the road network and city/village boundaries with current information. Changes incorporated in version 9b of the MGF are described in the following documents: MGF_V9b_Updates, MGF_V9b_Trunkline_Updates These and other documents related to MGF can be found at: lt;,1607,7-158-12759_14194---,00.htmlgt; ]
- Purpose
- This layer is intended for reference and mapping purposes and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. [The Michigan Geographic Framework is being created to provide: significant cost-savings due to less duplication of effort across agency lines low-cost geographic database for users of GIS a common-standardized product for any area in Michigan a focal-point for establishing partnerships between federal, state, regional, county and local agencies a product that will be a rallying point for creating an ongoing update and maintenance program for transportation and other features like hydrography and municipal boundaries improved communication between agencies involved in geographic information management the cross integration of demographic and natural resource information, and other data sets the ability to look at what-if scenarios that were not possible before]
- Supplemental Information
- AGSL staff supplemented original metadata. For official metadata please see All Roads MI DDv9b.pdf, framework product documentation 2009.pdf, MGF_v9_trunkline_updates.pdf, MGF_v9_Updates.pdf, and michigan.html. [The framework geography is maintained in the Michigan Georef projection system which is a form of an Oblique Mercator projection. All the data items described in the data dictionary may not be filled. The fields are present to allow for future enhancement.]
- Temporal Extent
- Currentness Reference
- [The geographic structure and attributes of this State of Michigan framework data set was created based on the 1994 U.S. Census Bureau based TIGER line files as well as the Michigan DNR created MIRIS file (a computerized map digitized from USGS topo maps in the 1970s). The attributes originated from the 1994 TIGER files. However, several more recent products were employed as secondary sources to resolve topological, positional and attributional discrepancies. The following sources were available during the creation of the MGF: Michigan Dept. of Transportation ACT51 maps through 1999 ( ACT51 maps are annually updated maps created by the MDOT for the purpose of allocating federal highway funds.) The USPS Michigan ZIP+4 State Directory Copyright 2000 Qualified Voter File project (QVF) maps begun in 1997. (The QVF is a Department of State (DOS) program that manages Michigan's registered voters. The program requires all county, city, township, and village clerks to provide updated and added street, voting precinct, school district and jurisdiction information directly on maps provided by the Michigan Center for Geographic Information.) This source information listed was compared with 1992 and 1997 Michigan State University created aerial photographs as well as 1992-2000 USGS Digital Ortho Quad Photos to resolve conflicts between the current framework geography and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Michigan Accident Location Index (MALI). The above source information was used to create Versions 1a and 1b. Framework Version 2a, was improved by using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:12,000 Digital Ortho Quarter Quad (DOQQ) aerial photography to reposition all the named roads in each county. The DOQQs were produced in 1992-1999. Framework Version 3b was reconciled to the 2001 Act51 maps. Changes incorporated in version 3b of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v3b_Updates Framework Version 4, has been reconciled to the 2002 Act51 maps. Changes incorporated in version 4 of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v4b_Updates Changes incorporated in version 5a of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v5a_Updates Changes incorporated in version 6b of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v6b_Updates Changes incorporated in version 7b of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v7b_Updates Changes incorporated in version 8a of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v8a_Updates Changes incorporated in version 9b of the MGF are described in the following document: MGF_v9b_Updates These and other documents related to MGF can be found at:,1607,7-158-12759_14194---,00.html]
- Temporal Extent
- Bounding Box
- West
- -90.485309
- East
- -82.130097
- North
- 47.496435
- South
- 41.63216
- ISO Topic Category
- transportation
- Place Keyword
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- GeoNames
- Theme Keyword
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- Roads
- Streets
- Express highways
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- Resource Constraints
- Use Limitation
- Please see the UWM Libraries statement on Copyright and Digital Collections.
- Legal Constraints
- Other Restrictions
- Although this data is being distributed by the American Geographical Society Library at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the University as to the accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the University in the use of this data, or related materials. [No warranty, expressed or implied is made and no liability is assumed by the State of Michigan in general or the Michigan Center for Geographic Information in specific as to the accuracy or usability of this data.]
- Status
- completed
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- asNeeded
- Language
- eng
- Credit
- Michigan Center for Geographic Information
- Point of Contact
- Contact
- Michigan Center for Geographic Information
Spatial Reference Information
- Reference System Identifier
- Code
- 3078
- Code Space
- Version
- 9.6.3
Data Quality Information
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Report
- Result
- Lineage
- Process Step
- Description
- Changed name of file from allroads_miv9b.shp to Michigan_Roads_2009.shp.
Distribution Information
- Format Name
- Shapefile
- Format Version
- 1.0
- Distributor
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Distributor
- Michigan Center for Geographic Information
- Online Access
- Protocol
- Name
Spatial Representation Information
- Vector
- Topology Level
- geometryOnly
- Vector Object Type
- composite
- Vector Object Count
- 767363
Metadata Reference Information
- Hierarchy Level
- dataset
- Metadata File Identifier
- ark:/77981/gmgsqv3c35t
- Dataset URI
- Metadata Point of Contact
- Name
- American Geographical Society Library – UWM Libraries
- Position Name
- GIS Staff
- Delivery Point
- 2311 E Hartord Ave
- City
- Milwaukee
- Administrative Area
- WI
- Postal Code
- 53211
- Country
- US
- Phone
- (414)-229-6282
- Metadata Date Stamp
- 2020-01-02
- Metadata Standard Name
- ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Metadata Standard Version
- 2007
- Character Set
- utf8