Dam Inundation maps for the State of California are required by California Government Code Section 8589.5(b).
Inundation potential to cause damage to life and property is mapped for individual dams. Dam inundation maps
show the maximum extent of damage of a flood wave emanating from a dam failure. The map does not indicate or
infer the probability of such an event occurring.
This data set represents a combined, statewide shapefile of all the dam inundation boundaries in the state. It
serves as a quick index to locating all dam inundation boundaries in a particular area, or the geography of a
particular inundation boundary, or group of boundaries. This shapefile is updated from time to time, and is
currently located in New_CD\06_CD\Data\Arc\dam_inundation_digitizing_mrg_07.shp It has a polyline geometry
structure, and dam-name attribution.