The County of Napa has several garbage and recycling zones identifying service areas for garbage and recycling pickup. Service providers (solid waste and recycling contractors, garbage haulers) have franchise agreements that provide residential and commercial solid waste, recyclables, and green waste throughout areas of the unincorporated County. This contract layer identifies the area of the County comprised of Garbage Zone 1. An area approximately from southern Yountville, south to the Solano County border, excluding the City of Napa and City of American Canyon. The layer will allow the identifications of lands, property, businesses that would be included in Garbage Zone 1 and be provided the solid waste and recycling services identified in County Agreement # 6431. The County has an exclusive franchise agreement (#6431) with Napa County Recycling and Waste Services until November 2015 with a possible option of up to four one (1) year extensions.