Wisconsin DNR Deer Management Units and Metro sub-units separated by Zones. For more information, contact Erin Larson - Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Wildlife Management or Bill Ceelen - Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Technology Services, GIS Section.Field definitions:DEER_MGMT_UNIT_ID (shapefile: DEER_MGMT_) - Deer Management Unit (DMU): DMUs are based on
county boundaries except for areas that are subdivided as metropolitan deer
management subunits, islands of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore,
Madeline Island in Ashland County or being within the exterior boundaries of
the Bad River, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac du Flambeau, Menominee and Red Cliff
reservations. Antlerless deer quotas and tag levels are decided at the level of
DMU.DEER_MANAGEMENT_ZONE (shapefile: DEER_MANAG) - Deer Management Zone (DMZ): DMUs grouped together in similar habitat typesMETRO_SUBUNIT (shapefile: METRO_SUBU) - Metropolitan deer management subunits that are a subdivided part of a DMU due to it being in an urban area.DEER_MGMT_UNIT_NAME (shapefile: DEER_MGMT1) - a combination of the deer management unit (DMU), the Metro Subunit, and the zone (DMZ). This dataset was automatically cataloged from the creator's Open Data Portal. In some cases, publication year and bounding coordinates shown here may be incorrect. Additional download formats may be available on the author's website. Please check the 'More details at' link for additional information.
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