Lake level and baseflow data in the Central Sands Lake Study model domain, through 2019. More information on the Central Sands Lake Study is available at: about the Central Sands Lake Study should be directed to:
GW = Groundwater level
LK = Lake Level.
As measured by USGS lake gage, RTK GPS, or staff gage with elevation
reference datum
BF = Baseflow. Collected
by University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
ST = Streamflow
OIB = Open Interval
Bottom. The bottom of the screened interval for monitoring wells; for
mini-piezometers, the bottom of the piezometer tube minus 0.1
OIT = Open Interval Top.
The top of the screened interval for monitoring wells; for
mini-piezometers, the bottom of the piezometer tube.
GW_MP = Groundwater
level measured in a mini-piezometer
VGRAD = Vertical
LBZ = Lakebed elevation.
Measured depth subtracted from mean lake elevation for the day as recorded
by the USGS lake gage
Kh = Horizontal
Hydraulic Conductivity. As estimated by TGUESS. (Note “K” is the standard
abbreviation for ‘hydraulic conductivity’)
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