Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Wisconsin Wetland Inventory Geodatabase
Georeferenced: false
- More details at:
- https://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/wi-dnr::wisconsin-wetland-inventory-geodatabase
- Description:
- The principal focus of the wetland inventory is to produce wetland maps that are graphic representations of the type, size and location of wetlands in Wisconsin. Currently, there are two different datasets that have been created using different mapping methods and technologies.The majority of the state was mapped using traditional stereo-pair, black-and-white, infrared photography. Within this context, the objective was to provide reconnaissance level information on the location, type, size of these habitats such that they are accurate at the nominal scale of the 1:20,000 (1 inch = 1667 feet) base map. LiDAR TechnologyLiDAR has advanced the ability to see and map wetland and surface water features. New wetland mapping is underway in areas across the state at a nominal scale of 1:2000 (1 inch = 166.7 feet). The data are being mapped according to the National Wetland Inventory standards using new methods. Please see the WWI SOP for more information.See LiDAR based status map for more information. Data The download contains both the older, high altitude, stereo-photo based mapping as well as the newer LiDAR based mapping. Any older WWI data within a new project area boundary have been removed.The DNR recognizes the limitations of using remotely sensed information as the primary data source. They are to be used as a guide for planning purposes.There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to define the limits of jurisdiction of any federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Anyone intending to engage in activities involving modifications within or adjacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate federal, state, or local agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and jurisdictions that may affect such activities. The most accurate method of determining the legal extent of a wetland for federal or state regulations is a field delineation of the wetland boundary by a professional trained in wetland delineation techniques. See https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/wetlands/inventory.html for more information on Wisconsin Wetland Inventory mapping. Please contact Calvin Lawrence, GIS Specialist in the WDNR Waterway and Wetlands Section, at Calvin.Lawrence@wisconsin.gov. This dataset was automatically cataloged from the creator's Open Data Portal. In some cases, publication year and bounding coordinates shown here may be incorrect. Additional download formats may be available on the author's website. Please check the 'More details at' link for additional information.
- Creator:
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Provider:
- American Geographical Society Library – UWM Libraries
- Resource Class:
- Websites
- Temporal Coverage:
- Issued 2021
- Date Issued:
- 2021-07-28
- Spatial Coverage:
- Wisconsin and United States
- Rights:
Although this data is being distributed by the American Geographical Society Library at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the University as to the accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the University in the use of this data, or related materials.
- Access Rights:
- Public