Madison Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Major Pedestrian / Bicycle Way Enhancement Projects.
This data layer is used by the Transportation Improvement Program application.Major Pedestrian / Bicycle Way Enhancement Projects Programmed and CompletedProject_Year (Project Year)Description (Description) Project DescriptionProject Year 2 (Project_Year2) Internal UseMap ID (Map_ID) Internal UseJurisdiction (Jurisdiction) Primary Jurisdiction / Project SponsorFederal Funding (Federal_Funding) Federal Funding AvailableReviewed (Reviewed) Internal UseMiles (Miles) Project Miles calculated from shape.Project_Type (Project_Type)Project_Type_2 (Project_Type_2)Project_ID (Project_ID) TIP Project IDCompleted (Completed) Year Project has been completed.PrjFund (PrjFund) Project FundingStatus (Status) Project StatusP_Name (P_Name) Photo File NameP_Path (P_Path) Photo File URL This dataset was automatically cataloged from the creator's Open Data Portal. In some cases, publication year and bounding coordinates shown here may be incorrect. Additional download formats may be available on the author's website. Please check the 'More details at' link for additional information.
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