Intersection Control Inventory. City of Madison:City of Madison Traffic Engineering for arterial and collector intersections.Greater Madison MPO for local intersections. Not complete.Outside City of Madison:Greater Madison MPO for arterial and collector intersections. Local intersections not collected.Sources:Updated: 6/2022.2020 orthophotos, Google Street View.Traffic Control for Intersections with Arterial or Collector RoadwayInt_Class: Highest level of Roadway Functional Class (MPO) for intersection.A: ArterialC: CollectorL: LocalIntControl: Traffic Control at IntersectionSTA: Stop (All Way) . All approaches have a stop sign. STM: Stop (Multi) Locations that have more than 2 approaches with stops, but not all are stop controlled. 3-way stops are considered Multi.ST: Stop. One street has stop signs, while the other has no control. 3-way stops are considered Multi.YD: Yield. Any non-roundabout intersection with a yield sign.YDR: Yield (Round) . Roundabouts with yield signs.NO: No Control. No control identifiedU: Unknown. Unable to identifySL: Signal. Signal for any direction. This dataset was automatically cataloged from the creator's Open Data Portal. In some cases, publication year and bounding coordinates shown here may be incorrect. Additional download formats may be available on the author's website. Please check the 'More details at' link for additional information.
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