City of Madison - Stormwater Modeling Impervious Land Cover Type
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- Description:
Task4_ImperviousUpdate2022 - this feature class represents the complete set of impervious features created by the GeoTREE Center. The 2020 project used a multi-step geoprocessing workflow to import data from various sources provided by the City of Madison and then through visual interpretation and digitizing of features. The basic original process was to use a variety of semi-automated and manual geoprocessing to pull/create polygon features from a variety of feature classes provided by the City of Madison at the beginning of the project. These feature classes included curb lines (Curb_Line_Rd), bike/ped paths (Bike_Ped_Paths), buildings (Building_Footprint_DaneCo and SWU_ImperviousAreas), and water body areas (HydroPoly_RFPArea). After building these inherited polygons into this feature class the majority of the work in this project was digitizing impervious features in this feature class based on the Subtype schema associated with the source_area field in this feature class. That schema can be seen below:0 Flat Roof1 Sloped Roof2 Parking3 Unpaved Parking4 Sidewalks5 Driveways6 Water Body Areas7 Streets8 Alleys9 Playground10 Other Impervious Areas11 Landscaped Areas12 Undeveloped Areas13 Other Pervious Areas14 Isolated AreasAll original digitizing was done with 2018 imagery from Descriptions of fields is below:source_area - this is the main field as required by the original RFP and in which the above subytpe schema was set up. When GeoTREE Center workers were editing they would choose from the subtype choices and create or edit polygons. GeometryFrom - this field will hold a value indicating the feature class that the original polygon was inherited from (e.g.. HydroPoly_RFPArea). It is still possible that a GeoTREE Center worker would have manually edited the polygons with a value in here although most of these geometries likely are directly inherited from the feature class indicated. The polygons with a value of Bike_Ped_Paths buffered' went through a process of buffering the original line features based on a width attribute and then were manually edited by GeoTREE Center workers as needed. The polygons with Curb_Line_RD with GeoTREE Edits in GeometryFrom field wrere the result of a multiple step geoprocessing workflow to translate the lines into polygons with significant manually editiing by GeoTREE Center workers. source_area_int - the integer value stored in source_area field source_area_desc - the source area descriptionIn 2022 the GeoTREE Center used imagery indicated below to visually inspect and digitize newly developed polygon features as well as to find changes in the built environment and to delete/edit/create new features as needed. The GeometryFrom column has a value of 'UNI GeoTREE Created 2022' the feature was created during this 2022 round of digitizing. This dataset was automatically cataloged from the creator's Open Data Portal. In some cases, publication year and bounding coordinates shown here may be incorrect. Additional download formats may be available on the author's website. Please check the 'More details at' link for additional information.
- Resource Link:
- Identifier:
- Language:
- English
- Creator:
- City of Madison Map Data
- Provider:
- American Geographical Society Library – UWM Libraries
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Resource Type:
- Digital maps
- Temporal Coverage:
- Issued 2017
- Date Issued:
- 2017-02-06
- Spatial Coverage:
- Madison, Wisconsin, and United States
- Rights:
Although this data is being distributed by the American Geographical Society Library at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the University as to the accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the University in the use of this data, or related materials.
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Shapefile