Trails Bayfield County, WI 2020
- Description:
Resource provided by UW-Madison Robinson Map Library. Theis data represents recreational trails for Bayfield County in 2020, includes the layers BAYFIELD_TRAILS_2020_ATV, BAYFIELD_TRAILS_2020_ATVROUTE, BAYFIELD_TRAILS_2020_SILENT and BAYFIELD_TRAILS_2020_SNOWMOBILE.For snowmobile: [This layer contains snowmobile trail data in Bayfield County.Link to metadata information:] For silent: [This layer contains silent sport walking, biking, skiing, horseback riding, and mushing trails in Bayfield County.Link to metadata information:] For ATV route: [This layer contains ATV road routes in Bayfield County.Link to metadata information:] For ATV: [This layer contains ATV trail data in Bayfield County.Link to metadata information:]
- Resource Link:
- Identifier:
- E857F9DC-A83F-482A-82E7-2F7CD7488BF4
- Language:
- English
- Creator:
- Bayfield County
- Publisher:
- Bayfield County
- Provider:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Subject:
- Society
- Temporal Coverage:
- 2020
- Date Issued:
- Spatial Coverage:
- Wisconsin
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Geodatabase