Resource provided by UW-Madison Robinson Map Library. This data layer represents the trails for Portage County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Portage_Green_Circle_Trail_2020', 'Portage_Snowmobile_Trail_2020', 'Standing_Rocks_Fat_Tire_Bike_Trial_2020', :Standing_Rocks_Snowshoe_Trial_2020' and 'Tomorrow_River_State_Trail_2020'. Green Circle Trail: [GreenCircle is a vector representation of the Green Circle bicycle/pedestrian trail in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Most of the trail was mapped using a resource grade GPS. The remainder is traced from airphotos. Recommended use scale is no larger than 1:2400.]Snowmobile Trails: [Line features depicting snowmobile trails in Portage County. Many are mapped using GPS. Some are still screen/office estimates.]