Zoning Polk County, WI 2020
- Description:
Resource provided by UW-Madison Robinson Map Library. This data group represents zoning for Polk County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Polk_General_2020' and 'Polk_Shoreland_2020'.[For General:Per Polk County Comprehensive Land Use OrdinanceList of Zoning Districts contained:Residential (R-1) Hamlet (H-1) Residential-Agricultural 5 (RA-5) Agriculture 10 (A-1) Agriculture 20 (A-2) Farmland Preservation (A-3) Natural Resources (N-1) General Business and Commercial (B-1) 22 of 57 Recreational Business and Commercial (B-2) Small Business and Commercial (B-3) Industrial (I-1) Mining (M-1) [ShorelandThis dataset designates the zoning district for geographical areas in Polk County. The data set is a compilation of multiple interanal data sets including 'ZoningComp', 'ZoningShoreland', 'ZoneGenPur', and 'ZoningWet'.]
- Resource Link:
- https://www.polkcountywi.gov/government/divisions_and_departments/environmental_services_division/land_information/gis_data_portal.php
- Identifier:
- A7D232CE-4B2F-4526-9BD8-B7BA104BC063
- Language:
- English
- Creator:
- Polk County
- Publisher:
- Polk County
- Provider:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Subject:
- Planning and Cadastral
- Temporal Coverage:
- 2020
- Date Issued:
- Spatial Coverage:
- Wisconsin
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Geodatabase