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Forest Fire Response Units, Wisconsin 2013
- Identification Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Data Quality Information
- Distribution Information
- Spatial Representation Information
- Metadata Reference Information
Identification Information
- Citation
- Title
- Forest Fire Response Units, Wisconsin 2013
- Originator
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Publication Date
- 2013-04-12
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- mapDigital
- Collection Title
- Statewide
- Abstract
- Fire Response Units (FRUs) designated by the DNR Forest Protection Bureau. A FRU is the area and equipment for which the personnel at a ranger station are responsible. FRU names are based on the location of the ranger station. The polygon attributes in this layer also identify Dispatch Group and Protection Type of each FRU.
- Purpose
- Data was collected cooperatively by the Division of Forestry, Bureau of Forest Protection and created as a GIS layer by BTS. In May, 2010, the boundaries were re-digitized to more accurately match the FPA boundaries using Administrative Code (NR 30.01 and NR 30.02) text description as well as field staff support. In April 2010, Goodman FRU was re-digitized to correct errors.
- Temporal Extent
- Time Instant
- 2013-01-01T00:00:00
- Bounding Box
- West
- -92.964436
- East
- -86.66623
- North
- 47.083195
- South
- 42.456931
- ISO Topic Category
- biota
- boundaries
- Place Keyword
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
- Forest fires
Forest management
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- Resource Constraints
- Use Limitation
- [Neither the Department of Natural Resources nor any of its employees shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information. Furthermore, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. The Department provides this information on an "as is" basis. The Department has made reasonable efforts to provide you with accurate information, but cannot exclude the possibility of errors or omissions in sources or of changes in actual conditions. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the data. If you have obtained information from the Department from a source other than the Department, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. Data can also quickly become out-of-date. It is recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of all data, and that the originator of the data or information be contacted with any questions regarding appropriate use.]
- Legal Constraints
- Use Limitation
- Although this data is being distributed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the University as to the accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the University in the use of this data, or related materials.
- Status
- completed
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- unknown
- Language
- eng
- Credit
- GIS contact Courtney Klaus, Forestry Business Services Bureau, (608) 266-9272, Resource contact is Jim Barnier, Forestry Protection Bureau, (608) 253-6714,
- Point of Contact
- Contact
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Delivery Point
- 101 S. Webster St.
- City
- Madison
- Administrative Area
- WI
- Postal Code
- 53707
- Country
- US
- Phone
- (608) 264-8914
- Point of Contact
- Contact
- Courtney Klaus
- Position Name
- GIS Analyst
- Phone
- (608) 266-9272
- Point of Contact
- Contact
- Jim Barnier
- Phone
- (608) 253-6714
Spatial Reference Information
- Reference System Identifier
- Code
- 3071
- Code Space
- Version
Data Quality Information
- Lineage
- Process Step
- Description
- changed file name from frupw91c.shp to WI_ForestFireResponse_2013.shp
- Process Date
- 2015-11-18T00:00:00
Distribution Information
- Format Name
- Shapefile
- Distributor
- UW-Madison
- Distributor
- Online Access
- Protocol
- WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download
- Name
- Function
- download
Spatial Representation Information
- Vector
- Topology Level
- geometryOnly
- Vector Object Type
- composite
- Vector Object Count
- 58
Metadata Reference Information
- Hierarchy Level
- dataset
- Metadata File Identifier
- 70A82244-B65F-466F-8C23-65BE4DBADFE5
- Metadata Date Stamp
- 2018-05-14
- Metadata Standard Name
- ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Metadata Standard Version
- 2007
- Character Set
- utf8