Roads Green Lake County, WI 2012
Georeferenced: false
- Description:
- Resource provided by UW-Madison Robinson Map Library. This data layer represents roads for Green Lake County, Wisconsin in 2012. Road centerlines attributed with address ranges. Road classifications for data are as follows: CTH County Trunk Highway; CVT City/Village/Town; PVT Private (a private road has addresses on it, driveways without addresses are not mapped); STH State Trunk Highway. Road segments are broken at intersections. Hunter St. and 32nd Ave. are two names for the same street in the City of Berlin and are overlapping lines. Clinton and Fulton Streets in the City of Princeton overlap at the north endBy State Statute town boards should have an ordinance naming their roads. Road names and classification based on WisDOT local roads inventory for transportation aids. Certified plats are filed by municipalities each year in accordance with sec. 86.30 Wis. stat.The town ordinance would be the legal record of the road name. The record may be difficult to locate after the passing decades, but the towns would still be the authoritative source for the legal road name.
- Creator:
- Green Lake County
- Publisher:
- Green Lake County
- Provider:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Subject:
- Transportation
- Temporal Coverage:
- 2012
- Date Issued:
- Spatial Coverage:
- Wisconsin
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Shapefile