Hydro (Polygon and Line) Sauk County, WI 2022
- Description:
Resource provided by UW-Madison Robinson Map Library. This data represents hydrography for Sauk County, Wisconsin in 2022 and includes the layers 'Sauk_Hydro_2022_LINE' and 'Sauk_Hydro_2022_POLY.' [Line: This feature class is made up of river and stream lines that represent flowlines and cartographic features such as stream centerlines and river banks in Sauk County, WI. The waterlines were digitized off of the Sauk County 2010 1-foot color ortho-imagery at a scale of 1:600. Spatial accuracy is therefore consistent across the entire county. Vertex density varies between streams depending on the sinuosity of that particular stream. Also, vertex density is intentionally higher within city and village boudaries. Poly: This feature class is made up of polygon features representing waterbodies in Sauk County, WI. The waterbodies were digitized off of the Sauk County 2010 1-foot color ortho-imagery at a scale of 1:600. Spatial accuracy is therefore consistent across the entire county. Vertex density varies between streams depending on the sinuosity of that particular stream. Also, vertex density is intentionally higher within city and village boudaries. To only be viewed at a scale smaller than 1:600]
- Resource Link:
- https://data-saukgis.opendata.arcgis.com/
- Identifier:
- 39F59A4B-61F6-4612-819A-B83AD9C0AA66
- Language:
- English
- Creator:
- Sauk County
- Publisher:
- Sauk County
- Provider:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Resource Class:
- Datasets
- Subject:
- Inland Waters
- Temporal Coverage:
- 2022
- Date Issued:
- Spatial Coverage:
- Wisconsin
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Geodatabase